Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What's in a name...

Have you ever tried googling yourself? You know, where you search your full name in Google and find relevant and not so relevant things about your name. Actually, I never got info about myself but rather on two other Valerie V_____’s out there.
One girl of the same name is a marine biologist. Wow, my alter ego! According to a news feed that had her name, she is a “highly trained scientist and research biologist studying Beluga whale communication in Canada…” Wow. I could be like her. I have always wanted to be a veterinarian when I was little. Better yet, a marine biologist.
The other Valerie is a supplier manager for a phamaceautical industry from San Francisco. Again, I could be like her. I graduated from university with a degree in Chemistry… And that is a related industry.
Hmmm, I wonder how many more Valerie V______’s are out there and what industries are they in! I just can’t believe we are all science related. Not even one is an actress, or a singer or something other than being into science. :)
Comes to show that we are all smart (or boring?). Just kidding.

Oh by the way, I did find my own profile on one of the websites. It had my picture as a member of this Dance Club here in Dubai, which I attended once, and never came back. And they even placed my picture on the member’s list. :)
We're not so boring after all! :)


Anonymous said...

hi Val, Just checked out your blogs. nice site, at least we get updates about you.

by the way, wala akong kapangalan sa google... I dont know if thats good or bad. HAHA.

Valerie said...

thanks for stopping by ronald. really appreciate it. :)

Anonymous said...


Vilma Bergstrom said...

when i google my maiden name --- no entry of me and a lot of Spanish entries.
when i google my married name, first one up is from some german/czech? i don't know what language it could be. and then there is the BlogHer entry which is about me.